Showing 21 - 40 of 53 Results
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Moringa oleifera for fodder is a fast-growing. Deciduous plant that...
Animal wither fodder.. goat ,cow,buffelo,hourse all animals eat wit...
winter animal fodder full of protine . 100% milk and meet increaser...
Rye Grass origon America. its winter fodder. it can bear havy winte...
Golden Sky F1 Hybrid. 10 gram pack. 10 pack use in 1acre. 600 to 70...
The scientific name of field mustard is Brassica rapa subsp oleifer...
Those who want maximum yield per acre are the Korean variety of pep...
For profitable farming, we have to choose crops that give better yi...
10 gram fee packet 2200 rupees price. 10 packet for 1acre..
Light green round hybrid squash. Good fruit set and beautiful appea...
Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus, is an herbaceous annual plant in the ...
Plant Habit:Determinate, Strong vigor and heat tolerant hybrid. Ave...
Hybrid F1 almost round fruit, Smooth and Shapely. Fruit bright Red ...
2kg seed use in 1acre. 20 to 25 mann yield . Cultivate 1 April to 3...
Rapeseed oil is just another name for Canola oil, from the Canola o...
Green Ball Tindi Seed Available... 50 gram Sachet . 12 to 14 Sachet...
Hotest Chilli in the world... Longi Mirch 10 ...
Watermelons are tropical or subtropical plants and need temperature...
Super Nepier Grass. It's a green fodder for all animals. It's soft ...